Civic Activities:
– For a Democratic Europe
– For Civil and Political Rights in Burma
Photo: With one of my hero,
Aung San Suu Kyi,
in her home in Rangoon,
For a Democratic Europe
- Helmut Schmidt
I shall miss Helmut Schmidt. He has inspired me ever since I met him in 1969 as young high school student. In 2010, he allowed me to organize a diner for him with some leading Europeans. Here is a transcript of the fascinating discussion : A Dinner with Helmut Schmidt (See pictures here)
- Europe’s democratic momentThe election of a new President of the European Commission is a historic step forward in the process of democratization of policy making in the European Union. Here is why I believe the European Parliament should be in charge.
- Juncker is the democratic choice to head the EU commission in: The Guardian, 6 June 2014.
- European elections – Academics support Juncker in: Luxemburger Wort, 7 June, 2014
- Professoren fordern Juncker als Kommissionschef in: Die Welt, 06 Jun. 2014.
- L’APPELLO – Il presidente della Commissione sia quello indicato dal voto europeo in: Corriere della Sera, 6 giugno 2014.
- Test démocratique pour l’Europe : les citoyens ont leur mot à dire – Des intellectuels appellent le Conseil européen à prendre en compte le résultat des dernières élections européennes pour le choix du Président de la commission. in: Libération, 6 juin 2014.
- Citoyens unis d’Europe – Solidarité et démocratie, 7 juin 2014.
- Rede in Wien
Im Rahmen des SPÖ-Zukunftsprojekts “Österreich 2020” (Ö2020) lud am 14. März 2010 Sozialminister Rudolf Hundstorfer zu einer Diskussion mit dem Thema “Sozialstaat im 21. Jahrhundert – Vision oder Utopie?” ins Parlament. Hundstorfer ist politischer Verantwortlicher der “Österreich 2020″-Diskursgruppe „Soziales, Beschäftigung und Wirtschaft”.
Hier ist die Präsentation in PDF. - Radio interviews:
- France Culture, Emission “A suivre” du 01/02/2009
- « Pour un oui ou pour un non »: débat entre Stefan Colignon et Arnaud Montebourg sur le traité européen lors de l’émission « la suite dans les idées » du 18 mai 2005, sur France culture.
enregistrement de l’emission en format mp3 ici. (59:56 mn – 41,2 Mo)
- Since 1969: Member of German Social Democratic Party (SPD)
For Civic and Polical Rights in Burma
- Since 1990: President of Association France-Birmanie.
- 1993-1995: European Coordinator of European Burma Support Groups.
I’ve been teaching Political economy courses to some burmese students. Here is the powerpoint :
The Myanmar economy after the February 2021 Coup
- Human Rights and the Economy in Burma; in: Robert Taylor, Burma, Political Economy under Military Rule, C. Hurst & Co, London, 2001.
- Why Do Poor Countries Choose Low Human Rights? Some Lessons from Burma; Habilitationsvortrag, Freie Universität Berlin, 1999. Sumary and download
- The Burmese Economy and the Withdrawal of European Trade Preferences; in: EIAS Briefing Paper No. 97/02, Brussels, April 1997.
Download in PDF.
On the subject I also find interesting the following work:
- Priscilla Clapp : Building Democracy in Burma, United States Institue of Peace Working Paper, 2007. (Download in PDF)
- David Arnott, La destruction de l’économie birmane par les militaires. In : Relations internationales et stratégiques, n” 27, automne 1997, pp 129-141. (Téléchargement en PDF)