Social Europe

In a dinner with Helmut Schmidt.
On the pictures: Danuta Hübner, Guy Verhofstadt, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen (members of the European Parliament), and Angelica Schwall-Düren (member of the German Parliament).
Photography by: Peter Cunningham. More pictures of this event here)
- Merkel’s Failure In: Social Europe (28/11/2017)
- Don’t Forget What Europe Is All About! In: Social Europe (30/06/2015)
- Europe After The Blues – Elect Jean-Claude Juncker In: Social Europe (27/05/2014)
- In Bed With Dracula – A Grand Coalition With Angela Merkel (30/09/2013)
- Austerity Versus Growth (III): Fiscal Policy And Debt Sustainability (30/05/2013)
- How To Measure Competitiveness in: Social Europe Report 1 – Towards a European Growth Strategy, Edited by Henning Meyer, February 2013. Free online e-book.
- Austerity Versus Growth (II): The Sources Of Europe’s Demand Gap (22/05/2013)
- Austerity Versus Growth : Why We Can’t Go On Like This (29/04/2013)
- Italy And The Disintegration Of The European Union (28/02/2013)
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- How to measure Competitiveness (07/06/2012)
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- Europe’s Paradox and Social Democracy (26/03/2012)
- The End of the Franco-German Axis (13/02/2012)
French translation: La fin de l’axe franco-allemand. - Merkel’s Autobahn to Disaster (26/01/2012)
- How to bring Germany on Board and save the Euro (08/12/2011)
- European Catharsis (03/11/2011)
- And if the Crisis Awakened Europe? Ideas for a New Eurozone (04/10/2011)
- How to Save the Euro (07/09/2011)
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- Germany’s Strategic Interest (12/05/2011)
- Merkel’s Small and Isolated Strategy (19/04/2011)
- Eurobonds: The Financial Equivalent Of The Single Currency (15/03/2011)
- Mubusconi (07/02/2011)
- Europe and China (11/01/2011)
- A Question of Sovereignty (01/12/2010)
The Italian version can be found on Italianieuropei - Miliband Must Take Britain Back Into Europe (06.10.2010)
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- Who is reforming Europe’s Economic Governance? (03.08.2010)
- A European Economic Government Could Solve Europe’s Democracy Deficit (07.07.2010)
- Europe’s Keynesian Turn? (04.06.2010)
- After Greece, the European Republic! (03.05.2010)
- The Challenge of New Chauvinism in Europe (06.04.2010)
- What Conservatives do not understand about the Euro (03.03.2010)
- The Greek Drama and the Social Justice of Responsible Fiscal Policies (03.02.2010)
- Does Europe need a Strategy for China? (12.01.2010)
- The Winner is: Democracy! (26.01.2009)
- Does Europe’s Social Democracy still have a Future? (03.11.2009)
- Taking Democracy in Europe seriously (24.09.2009)
- Testing the European Parliament (31.08.2009)
- The Dawn of a New Era: Social Democracy after the Financial Crisis (06.04.2009)
- The Dawn of a New Era: Social Democracy after the Financial Crisis. Autumn 2008
Democratizing Europe. Vol 2. issue 3, Winter 2007: 126-132.