
The Political Economy of Liberty and Money

Here are some draft chapters of my forthcoming book. Feedback is appreciated, Citation only with permission.
- Introduction


Introducing VAT in Myanmar

Stefan Collignon (ed.) Hans Joachim Narzynski Nualnoi Treerat A Study by Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Myanmar. October 2019.
Conference on the Introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) to Myanmar (03/02/2020)

Public Finance for a Genuine Federal Democratic Union - An Introduction into Public Spending and Taxation Issues for Myanmar. Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Yangoon, Myanmar, 2018. (download in Pdf)

Also available for downloading here: the Burmese language version of this book

Download powerpoint here (.pptx) or PDF version - May 2018

Collignon, Stefan (Ed). The Governance of European Public Goods - Towards a Republican Paradigm of European Integration. Palgrave Macmillan, Switzerland. 2017.

Collignon, Stefan and Piero Esposito, Measuring European Competitiveness on the Sectoral Level. ETUI report new 25, Brussels, February 2016.
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Competitiveness in the European Economy, Edited by Stefan Collignon and Piero Esposito, Routledge, Series: Routledge Studies in the European Economy, 216 pages, january 2014.

Macroeconomic imbalances and comparative advantages in the Euro Area
Sponsored by Bertelsmann Foundation, Brussels, with European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and Friedrich Ebert Foundation; Brussels, 2012.
A PDF version of the book is available here

Stefan Collignon, Richard N. Cooper, Masahiro Kawai, Yongjun Zhang, "Rebalancing the Global Economy - Four Perspectives on the Future of the International Monetary System", Europe in Dialogue 2010 | 01, BertelsmannStiftung,Gütersloh, 2010.
(download in PDF).

Press Release from Bertelsmann, here. A shorter version of the book is available in PDF, here.

Stefan Collignon et Christian Paul, "Pour la République européenne", ed. Odile Jacob, 2008, Paris.

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Stefan Collignon, "Viva la Repubblica Europea !" Prefazione Giuliano Amato; editore Marsilio venezia, 2007.
It was commented by Giorgio Rufullo in "Repubblica", 20 November 2007.

To view the video of the book presentation organised by Italianieuropei, click here

Stefan Collignon, "Bundesrepublik Europa ? Die demokratische Herausforderung und Europas Krise". Preface Kust Beck ; VorwärtsVerlag Berlin, 2007.
It was presented in Munich by Otto Schily.

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This book is now available in Chinese translation. Download PFD here.

Stefan Collignon, "Vive le République Européenne !" Préface Arnaud Montebourg ; Éditions de la Martinière, Paris, France, 2004.
Téléchargement du résumé en PDF ici

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Stefan Collignon, "The European Republic; Reflections on the Political Economy of a European Constitution". The Federal Trust, London, England, 2002.
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Book review in: Internationale Politik, Juli 2003, Nr. 7
Download Book review in PDF by Keith Leherer, in : Journal of Ethics, 2004 - 8  - 4, pp. 459-465
Download Book review in PDF by Christward J. Dieterman, in: Common Market Law Review, 2004, pp.894-897
Buchbesprechung in PDF by Holger Friedrich

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Stefan Collignon and Daniela Schwarzer, Private Sector Involvement in the Euro. The Power of Ideas, Routledge , London, England, 2002.

To see bookreview from Journal of Common Market Studies, December 2003, 41. 5: 965-969(5) , download in PDF
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S. Collignon, Monetary Stability in Europe, Routledge, London, England, 2002.
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S. Collignon, J. Pisany-Ferry and Y. Chul Park (ed.), Exchange Rate Policies in Emerging Asian Countries, Routledge , London, England, 1999.
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S. Collignon, Handbuch zur Europäischen Währungsunion; Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Bonn, 1998 (3. Auflage / 3 editins)).

European Monetary Policy, S. Collignon (ed.), Cassel Academic, London, England, 1997.
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S. Collignon, Geldwertstabilität für Europa, Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh, Germany, December 1996.
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S. Collignon, Europe's Monetary Future (Volume I), published by Pinter Publishers, London, 1994.

Book review in : The Economic Journal, 1996, May, pp. 718-721
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S. Collignon and C. Johnson, The Monetary Economics of Europe (Volume II), published by Pinter Publishers, London, 1994.
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German edition: Das EWS im Übergang - Erfahrungen mit dem EWS und politische Optionen, Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1993.
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S. Collignon, P. Bofinger and E.M. Lipp (Eds.): Währungsunion oder Währungschaos?, Gabler Verlag Wiesbaden 1993.
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Regionale Integration und Entwicklung in Ostafrika. Institut für Afrikaforschung, Hamburg, Germany, 1990.
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